The first crucial step to having a happy life is learning how to let go. It is not easy to do when your relationship was unfair and so very hurtful. It can make you feel like you will never get justice for all the wrong that was done to you. In this class, I will show you how to truly feel better and move on from your past relationship.
What Forgiveness is & what it is not
In this class you will learn what forgiveness is and is not, while clearing-up myths and misconceptions we
have all grown-up with.
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How to forgive your ex
This class is focused on how to forgive an Ex in a love relationship. But, frankly, the tools I give you will help in all your relationships.
How To Forgive Your Family
This class I will focus on how to forgive people in your family. But frankly, the tools I give you will help in all your relationships.