Forgiveness Blog
Coronavirus, Social Distancing, and Self Quarantine – 3 things you can do today to relieve stress and fear
Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Self Quarantine – 3 things you can do today to relieve stress and fear. We are home, all of us! For
How to Forgive Religion and The People in it.
How to forgive religion and the people in it. A few years ago I was booked on a radio show to talk about forgiveness. Just

Easter Bunny, Religion, and Ultimate Sacrifice
Happy Easter from the big pink bunny (a.k.a. Rev Misty). For this special holiday, I am sharing my thoughts on bunnies, easter eggs, and how this religious holiday has transformed over time.

St. Patrick’s Day: Are you Lucky or Blessed?
This St. Patrick’s Day, I’m sharing my thoughts on the difference between being “lucky” and being “blessed.”

Can We Forgive A Person That Commits A Despicable Act?
With all that has been in the news about sexual assault allegations and misconduct in the workplace, we must reflect on how we might be able to forgive someone after they have committed a despicable act. Forgivness DOES NOT mean forgetting what happened, but here is my advice for how to approach the situation at hand.
Holiday Traditions: My Friend’s favorite Hanukkah Stories
Hanukkah is a tradition rich in history, culture, love and joy. I asked some of my good friends to share their favorite Hanukkah Traditions and to help me explain the “festival of light”!
Why Taylor Swift Needs a Lesson in Forgiveness
With the release of her new album, “Reputation,” I couldn’t help but to notice some un-forgiveness lurking in the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s new songs, particularly “Look What you Made me Do.” Here are all the reasons why I think Taylor might need a crash course on acceptance, letting go and forgiving those who have wronged her!
TODAY is National Situational Awareness Day
What is Situational Awareness and how does situational forgiveness play a roll in our life journey.
Three Myths and Misconceptions of Forgiveness
Forgiveness can be confusing. Today, I am unpacking some myths and misconceptions about forgiveness and the roll it plays in our lives.
How to Forgive Religion: Reflecting on 9/11
Taking time to remember those we lost, while also learning to forgive religion.
Why Use A Podcast To Share Stories of Forgiveness
Explaining what podcasts are and why they are the best method for me to share stories of forgiveness with all of you!